(CH Blue Heaven’s Blackhawk X Kell Dressed To Kill)

Vera is the result of a visit to Blue Heaven’s kennel in Tennessee. Upon our visit at Blue Heaven we had the joy of being invited to go over many of their breeding stock. The moment our hands met Vera’s elegant lean skull, and flawlessly assembled front end, we knew that this bitch would be an amazing attribute to improve our line. At the end of our stay with Lisa and Lloyd, they graciously allowed us to take her home and incorporate her into our program. Upon getting her home she promptly finished her championship. Vera drips in virtues that she has strongly reproduced in her daughter (“Shania” Relyt Feel The Attraction) from her first litter.

Pedigree: Am Ch Blue Heavens Fresh Dressed


Blossom - BISS CH Syringa Blossom To Relyt


Chachi - CH Kensil's Strolling Mariachi